Divine Motherhood ~ “The Womb of Time”

SKIPPER’S LOG / ANCESTRAL ENTRY DATE: May 4, 2016 May 12, 2024 [Gregorian]


In every vital activity, it is the Path that matters… The seed includes all the possibilities of the Tree. The seed will develop these possibilities, however, only if it receives proper nourishment and corresponding energies from the Sky… A nut doesn’t reveal the Tree it contains… Always watch and follow Nature.” ~Proverbs from Ipet-Resyt [“Southern Sanctuary”] of God Amun & Goddess Mut

 Blessed Be 

A Master’s TKHNology

SKIPPER’S LOG / ANCESTRAL ENTRY DATE: April 13, 2016April 21, 2024 [Gregorian]TKHNology
🪘Don’t get lost in the forest…🪘
“In every vital activity, it is the Path that matters… The first concerning the ‘secrets’: all cognition comes from inside; we are therefore initiated only by ourselves, but the Master gives the keys. The second concerning the ‘way’: the Seeker has need of a Master to guide them and lift them up when they fall, to lead them back to the right way when they stray… If the Master teaches what is error, the Disciple’s submission is slavery. If S/HE teaches Truth, this submission is Ennoblement.” ~Proverbs from Ipet-Resyt [“Southern Sanctuary”] of God Amun & Goddess Mut
🪘🪘🪘Blessed Be🪘🪘🪘

The Beautiful Beautyful Ones

SKIPPER’S LOG / ANCESTRAL ENTRY DATE: March 14, 2016 March 23, 2024 [Gregorian]

People need images. Lacking them, they invent idols. Better then to found the images on Realities that lead the True Seeker to the Source… In every vital activity, it is the Path that matters… Know.Thy.Self.~Proverbs from Ipet-Resyt [“Southern Sanctuary”] of God Amun & Goddess Mut
 Blessed BeYOUtiful 1

A Master Drummer & His Healing Path

In Africa it is said that each person has a rhythm to which they alone dance. What I’ve learned about this cultural proposition is there is a journey involved in finding one’s rhythm that will likely take you to unexpected places… the highs, lows, and in-betweens of which depend upon how genuine one is about self-discovery. The question of me/”self” was not going to be answered through academic inquiry, no matter how off-the-beaten-path ethnomusicology may have seemed by the time I had to decide on a graduate program to enroll in. Though I remained clueless about how to respond to the musical call that had compelled me to make my south-west journey from Kenya to the US in the first place, I was grateful that my university gospel choir was a space where I could return to organic call-response flows and break from the academic humdrum of musicology discourse. Many years and countless lessons later I’ve come to appreciate that while this path provided a necessary critical lens on the western knowledge industry, I was being guided step-by-step by a higher universe back to my culturally and spiritually authentic/integrated self… Read More

“Cleopatra’s Needles” & Kings of the North

“Cleopatra’s Needles refer to an ancient pair of Tkhn  [obelisks] which were originally constructed and inscribed for 18th Dynasty Pharaoh Tuthmose III [1504-1450 BCE] at his Temple of the Sun in Heliopolis. These Twin Tkhn, which have their sacred place in a seminal & yet-unfolding Africa-centered narrative, were moved c1400 years later to the Caesareum temple in Alexandria Egypt built by Cleopatra VII during her reign [51-30 BCE]. The Tkhn were renamed for Cleopatra during the subsequent Roman takeover, & remained installed in Alexandria for almost 2 millennia. Described in Scottish painter David Roberts‘ travelogue ‘Egypt and Nubia as the most striking monuments of ancient Alexandria, “Cleopatra’s Needles” later became geographically separated between London & New York where they were shipped and re-erected in 1878 & 1881 respectively.

With “Cleopatra” as its ongoing sideshow, the world has since become entangled in a profane Europatriarchal web of Gregorian-curated timelines, principals, narratives & agendas… an interwoven industrial “world order” staged around the indoor-outdoor museums of “her[?] needles.” Humanity may ascend out of this shadowy 3D matrix system by recentering the Twin Tkhn of Pharaoh Tuthmose III at their original settings, thereby (i) gaining an Africa-centered lens into humanity’s organic/indigenous space-time & unity-conscious cultural agency; & (ii) exposing hegemonic histories & world-views fabricated & upheld around Cleopatra’s Needles standings in latter-day “East-West/E-W coordinates & meridians: Read More

Queens of the South & the Mandela Effect

SOUTH” is the entry point (Genesis) on The Medicine Wheel… the first of four cardinal directions and steps one takes to obtain wisdom and power in order to become the equivalent of a sangoma (shaman) who brings harmony and well-being to the community & humanity. Honoring the circular pattern of our cosmos, The Medicine Wheel has been used in indigenous cultures for eons to represent the organic cycles of life/nature within the womb of time – thus honoring Divine Feminine Mysteries and their potential. Following the four cardinal directions, the would-be sangoma proceeds clockwise on The Medicine Wheel to the “WEST” (land of sunsets & introspection); followed by the “NORTH” (where knowledge & wisdom have flowered in relation to “SOUTH”); & finally “EAST” – land of the rising sun where, through the successive challenges and phases of her journey, she has now obtained her own sovereign terms of enlightenment (Revelation). Read More

“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction…” While butterflies symbolize… Read More

Dawn ~ Unbreaking THE Egg