A Master’s TKHNology

SKIPPER’S LOG / ANCESTRAL ENTRY DATE: April 13, 2016April 21, 2024 [Gregorian]TKHNology
🪘Don’t get lost in the forest…🪘
“In every vital activity, it is the Path that matters… The first concerning the ‘secrets’: all cognition comes from inside; we are therefore initiated only by ourselves, but the Master gives the keys. The second concerning the ‘way’: the Seeker has need of a Master to guide them and lift them up when they fall, to lead them back to the right way when they stray… If the Master teaches what is error, the Disciple’s submission is slavery. If S/HE teaches Truth, this submission is Ennoblement.” ~Proverbs from Ipet-Resyt [“Southern Sanctuary”] of God Amun & Goddess Mut
🪘🪘🪘Blessed Be🪘🪘🪘

The Beautiful Beautyful Ones

SKIPPER’S LOG / ANCESTRAL ENTRY DATE: March 14, 2016 March 23, 2024 [Gregorian]

People need images. Lacking them, they invent idols. Better then to found the images on Realities that lead the True Seeker to the Source… In every vital activity, it is the Path that matters… Know.Thy.Self.~Proverbs from Ipet-Resyt [“Southern Sanctuary”] of God Amun & Goddess Mut
 Blessed BeYOUtiful 1

Embers of 5D

❄️Happy Solstice!❄️

It’s that moment when the Sun (Latin: “sol”) stands still (Latin: “sistere”) in The Eternal Dance with Mother Earth before reversing direction on Her Dancefloor. At this (December 22nd, 2023) point in the choreography of these literal Life Partners, the Sun has reached its annual southern limit over Earth‘s Tropic of Capricorn, marking a shift in Earth’s seasons which registers in the Northern Hemisphere as the shortest day and longest night of the year. This Winter Solstice event is a death-of-sorts, signaling the start of a 3-day transitional/mourning period which ends on Dec 25th when it then becomes for some a time to celebrate the “Resurrection or Birth of the Sun.” According to scholars, Christianity personified this solar activity by creating a Euro-patriarchal Savior-figure with a formal “Christmas” birth-date that corresponds to the climax of this natural annual event [see “Caesar’s Messiah…” link @43:00]. Read More


The Presence of the Maafa within the Global African Community in 2023 ~ by Elder Baye Kes-Ba-Me-Ra

The effects of the Maafa (African Slave Holocaust) remains with African people today on the African continent and in the Diaspora. None of us can claim any kind of collective power in the world whether it be an African nation below the Sahara, an island in the Caribbean or a group of African people in North or South America. The symbolism of individual achievement has no meaning if it cannot translate into real, organized and directed power. We need to observe Nakumbuka Day, not just because of the past horrors of the Maafa but also because of the current horrors of the Maafa. Here is some of the manifestation of the Maafa today: Read More

“NaKumbuka Day” ~ 11:11. Re-Membering the MA’ATrix

Nakumbuka‘ means ‘I remember’ in Kiswahili. Nov. 11th has been recognized as Nakumbuka Day” by the Pan-African Association of America since 1994 when the first ceremony was held at San Diego State University in California. It was set aside as a day of rememberance of the African victims of European enslavers, (neo)colonial occupiers, and agents of apartheid & genocide whose horrendous acts created a bloody trail of devastation and left families on the continent unable to lay their grief to rest after several hundred years. It’s been estimated that the Middle Passage claimed upwards of 60 million African lives, not counting the huge losses on plantations in Europe, the Caribbean, North-, Central-, & South-America. In seeking free labor to build its empires, European and American capitalism’s emergence crippled the African continent, traumatizing its descendants socially, culturally, economically, & politically during these interrelated timelines of oppression.Middle Passage MonumentHistorically, 11/11 marks the end of 20th-century hostilities during World War 1 between two main Western blocks: the Central Powers [Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey…] vs. the Allied Powers [Britain, France, Russia, Italy, the United States…]. Their truce, an Armistice with Germany, formally went into effect on 11/11/11: the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 [100+ years ago]. In 1954, Armistice Day was renamed Veterans Day in the US, Lest-We-Forget-Remembrance-Day-Facebook-Cover-Picturealthough 11/11 is observed in Commonwealth of Nations member states as Remembrance Day – aka Poppy Day – honoring veterans who died [8 million+] in this so-called War to End All Wars. WW2 followed in 1939 after “Germany, angry over war reparations imposed by rivals and eager for revenge, eventually turned to Adolf Hitler.”november-11

Symbolically, the number 11 holds the dual vibration of Twins [Gemini], whose relationship acts as a barometer on the scales of Truth, Justice, & Balance [MA’AT/Libra] within this New Age we are said to have entered/be entering of Aquarius – the 11th House of the Zodiac. Helena Blavatsky and her disciple, Alice Bailey are credited with founding the so-called New World Religion’ which, since its unofficial start on 11/11/11, has gained many New Age adherents. In The Externalisation of the Hierarchy [1957], Bailey prefaced her New Age spiritual advocacy with an extensive critique of the Europatriarchal World Wars: “Intense nationalism… [a] separative outlook… [and] selfish interests have controlled the reasons for which every nation has entered this war…”  [p. 373-] 

Spiritually, 11/11 allows a sacred moment for grief over the harsh realities of war… lives lost which are formally given global remembrance from western stages. We observe these post-war programs …our hearts made gentle (or not) through the ritual laying of wreaths, politically-crafted words of “regret,” and the wearing of upcycled fiber poppies – modeled in the lapel of the various suits worn by almost-75-year-old King Charles during his recent red-carpet visit to Kenya – a former British colony until sometime into his late mother Q. Elizabeth II‘s 70-year reign… starting 1952 at Kenya’s Treetops Hotel.

Coming as it did against the backdrop of the human carnage presently unfolding before a horrified global audience in one of Britain’s other socio-historical ‘projects,’ the post-eclipse timing for this particular visit [Oct 31-Nov 3, 2023] by the current British monarch was deeply/tragically ironic. For context on what may also have been weighing upon the monarch’s mind during whichever stage of colonial grief (?) he may personally have been struggling to overcome during this visit, past articles such as The Search for a Zionist Settlement in Kenya, 1902-1905 by Mwangi-wa-Githumo & Before Israel, Jews considered settling in western Kenya may shed some light on how his family’s leading role came close to complicating Kenya’s colonial occupation & trauma even further! In contrast perhaps, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier recently apologized to Tanzania as did Dutch King Willem-Alexander for Netherland’s role in slavery and coloialism in South Africa. Lest we forget, in regard to the European World Wars, Kenya went down in colonial HIStory as having fought & died on “the British side” with millions forced to serve as conscripts of the King’s African Rifles (KAR) or as porters of food & ammo for the troops. Dear Kenya, In this neo/post-colonial era of unrealized apologies let alone Reparations, wouldn’t it be pitifully naïve to replay this role, next time as ‘hired guns’ against our Haiti fam? Kumbuka…

The Mau-Mau [Kenya] & Maji-Maji [Tanganyika, now Tanzania] rebellions were against colonial destabilization resulting from the Scramble for Africa following The Berlin Conferenceheld 11/15/1884 – 2/26/1885 by mainly 7 European colonial invaders/pillagers: France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Italy, & Britain under “GrandMother of Europe” Q. Victoria [1837-1901] for whom the southernmost Source of Africa’s sacred Nile [“Maziwa Mkuu”] remains misnamed. This & similar cultural blights have been and should continue to be exorcised by Reparations from within… minus the prerequisite of an apology from 3x great grandson of VictoriaCharles, whose hand-me-down crown, bejeweled with its incriminating evidence, grows heavier with each missed opportunity [@circa75] to man-up. As a proverb from Ipet-Resyt reminds us: A house has the character of the man who lives in it.

Lest we also forget, there was a 2nd consequential conference in 1884 which, like the aforementioned one in Germany, also excluded African agency, thus fostering a profound alienation between humanity & it’s sacred Source/axis mundi. The International Meridian Conference held in Washington DC on Oct. 1884 was where Greenwitch, London was voted in by northern-hemisphere autocrats as capital of the world’s “official” N-S zero-degrees of longitude, thereby dethroning humanity’s organic Prime Meridian/MA’ATrix along Africa’s Nile Valley – Maziwa Mkuu/”Great Milk” aka Earth’s Milky Way & Temple of the World[per God Djehuti]. This latter-day Eurocentric “GMT Prime Meridian” slices southward from the British monarch’s family throne in London thru France, Spain, & 5 West African countries (Algeria, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana, & Togo) to yet another historic European crime scene – the Atlantic holocaust site of African lives lost in the Middle Passage “Maafa.” Kumbuka…

Unfortunately for humanity, the neo-colonial & false matrix is all-too-real… We’re programmed to get lost in the self-indulgent discourses-of-power and controlling narratives (via geographic chaos, mis-education, religion, political & media spin, etc.) of a ‘global’ human community reborn” thru Europe’s traumatic wars & unapologetic takeovers as Mother Earth Herself hangs in these imbalances. Hopes for equal recognition in combat, self-defense or otherwise are marginalized alongside cries from Africa’s descendants for Reparations. In 2023 however, the annual sequel of Europe’s 11/11 Poppy-Day program may just have been eclipsed by the arrested attention of the world’s hearts & streets weighing in on the real-time horrors being unleashed (since Oct. 7) in the (pre)occupied Holy Lands of Abrahamic faiths + Zionism

NaKumbuka Truth, Divine Order, Harmony, Balance, Justice, Reciprocity, UbuNtuall represent the Spiritual free-quency of MA’AT-consciousness, the personal and social antithesis to the constitution of chaos represented by SET[*] according to ancient teachings. As one of SET*s original casualties of genocidal war and the traumas that come from forced occupation, Africa’s cultural immune system has been in various stages of recovery from a state akin to sleep-paralysis, hence the importance of re-membering. As France et al are reminded, Africa’s awakening and reclaimation of Her sovereignty & narrative will only be detained for so long…

MA’AT, who links universal to terrestrial, the divine with the human is incomprehensible to the cerebral intelligence… Peace is the fruit of activity, not of sleep… The key to all problems is the problem of consciousness… If you search for the laws of harmony, you will find knowledge… The best and shortest road toward knowledge of truth is nature… If the Master teaches what is error, the disciple’s submission is slavery. If he teaches truth, this submission is ennoblement… The kingdom of Heaven is already within you; if you understand yourself you will find it… The body is the house of the God/dess. That is why it is said, ‘Wo/Man know thyself’… By knowing one reaches belief. By doing one gains conviction. When you know, dare… You will free yourself when you learn to be neutral and follow the instructions of your heart without letting things perturb you. This is the way of MA’AT…” luxor

This selection of proverbs are from God/dess Amun/ Mut‘s Temple, located on the Nile River’s east bank, in Uaset [Luxor]. Ancient African site of The Annunciation [LINK @ 1:17:20], this temple is known as Ipet-Resyt, meaning “The Southern Sanctuary” which is connected via an Avenue of Sphinxes, aka Path of God, to Ipet-Sut – “The Most Selected of Places” in present-day Karnak, both dedicated to the worship of Amun-Re & His Godhood with Divine Feminine, Mut. Per_Ankh symbolPer-ankh – “Houses of Life” were designated as spaces for education in such Khemetic temples because knowledge was considered sacred… a sanctified mystery of the balance between Divine Masculine & Feminine co-Creatives. Bound to Nature & the Cosmos for all time, these proverbial teachings are written in the stone [EWF] of Ipet-Resyt’s walls:- “People need images. Lacking them they invent idols. Better then to found the images on realities that lead the True Seeker to the Source.” aquariusResembling the human form in repose, Ipet-Resyt’s unique design itself appears symbolically dedicated to Resurrection & Reparation of the sovereignty of Truth, Life & 5D+ Unity-consciousness [UbuNtu]… an architectural ‘body’ on Mother Africa’s Earth, poised not as a mourning site, but rather as if to awaken & rise to Her Divine Twin & the Triumph of their Love.

In pop culture, this awakening is thematic to The Fifth Dimension’s 1969 ‘Age of Aquarius’ – prophetic anthem of a New Age which many believe dawned 42 years later, on Nov. 11th, 2011 [11/11/11]. ‘42‘ is a number that is sacred to MA’AT, Goddess who serves to protect the world from the chaos of SET*. Today this ‘chaos’ occurs within the policed-state of a cabal’s 3D matrix of slavery, (neo)colonial occupation, apartheid, etc… a state of trauma that’s maintained thru media, religion, education, politics, etc. – the complex of industrial outlets that program mass adherence to the ethos of elitist western ‘exceptionalism’*.

The Principles of Ma’at predate the ’10 Commandments’ as humanity’s oldest written sources of Moral & Spiritual instruction. Recorded in the Khemetic funerary Book of Coming Forth by Day AKA Book of the Dead, these were based on 42 declarations made by Ani in the Hall of Judgment of his having lived in accord with MA’AT’s principles, such as: “I have not done iniquity; I have not stolen; I have not made any to suffer pain; I have done no murder nor bid anyone to slay on my behalf; I have not spoken lies; I have not caused the shedding of tears; I have not dealt deceitfully; I have not lusted nor defiled the wife of any man; I have not caused terror; I have not done that which is abominable; I have not stopped my ears against the words of Right and Truth; I have not stirred up strife; I have not wronged the people; I have done no harm nor have I done evil; I have not worked treason; I have never fouled the waterhave not spoken scornfully; I have not behaved with arrogance…”  [Papyrus of Ani – c.1250BCE]. Kumbuka…

MA’AT‘s consort is DJEHUTI, the Magician archetype of the Divine Masculine with whom the Goddess creates the Balance & Harmony needed to prevent the universe from falling further into SET*s genocidal campaigns [slavery, (neo)colonial occupation, apartheid, etc.] against Humanity. Characterized in ancient mythology as god of foreign oppression, plague, chaos & disorder, SET* – the quintessential toxic masculine – murdered & usurped the throne of his brother King AUSAR out of jealousy over the popular reign AUSAR & his beloved wife AUSET enjoyed over Khmt. Widow AUSET was forced to search for her husband’s mutilated body parts which SET* had scattered throughout the wilderness [Diaspora]. AUSET found all but the 14th piece of AUSAR suggested in the phallic Tkhn/Obelisk as the unsolved outstanding segment of this particular Human Mystery. Symbolized by her hallmark feather, the Truth MA’AT has found in her embodiment as AUSET is key to Humanity’s Awakening & Ascension back to Heaven-on-Earth. On Her Healing Path, SaNgoma AUSET [aka ‘Divine Mourner & ‘True Seeker’] hears the cries of The Beautiful Ones:- the children… the downtrodden… Her Beloved [now God of the Afterlife] …She responds with prayerful Compassion, Wisdom, &      Re-membrance #11:11… #UbuNtu… #Nakumbuka… #MA’ATrix…        ❤ Blessed Be

A Master Drummer & His Healing Path

In Africa it is said that each person has a rhythm to which they alone dance. What I’ve learned about this cultural proposition is there is a journey involved in finding one’s rhythm that will likely take you to unexpected places… the highs, lows, and in-betweens of which depend upon how genuine one is about self-discovery. The question of me/”self” was not going to be answered through academic inquiry, no matter how off-the-beaten-path ethnomusicology may have seemed by the time I had to decide on a graduate program to enroll in. Though I remained clueless about how to respond to the musical call that had compelled me to make my south-west journey from Kenya to the US in the first place, I was grateful that my university gospel choir was a space where I could return to organic call-response flows and break from the academic humdrum of musicology discourse. Many years and countless lessons later I’ve come to appreciate that while this path provided a necessary critical lens on the western knowledge industry, I was being guided step-by-step by a higher universe back to my culturally and spiritually authentic/integrated self… Read More

A SaNgoma & Her Healing Path

The New/Golden Era is dawning! According to Age of Aquarius holdouts, this New/Golden Era will usher in a high-frequency, holistic unity-consciousness between human beings, & nurture an optimal co-dependent relationship with  the organic environment as disclosed in the 1969 song by The 5th Dimension. Jumping onto this bandwagon, seasoned New Age scholars, Astrologers, Alchemists & other well-meaning hopefuls go further to suggest that this anticipated disclosure/salvation has & will come from some outer-space resource. Some have even gone so far as to promote the widely published Galactic Codex of the Confederation of Light (so-called) whose purported “legal basis” and stated aim is to liberate our “hostage” planet Earth from its resident evil “dark forces.” From an Africa-centered perspective, all of this revisionist Savior-interventionist posturing continues to ignore indigenous wisdoms that were encoded way before the particularly egregious latter-day unleashing of Eurocentric enactments of slavery, colonialism, and apartheid campaigns which have time & again provided existential proof of the inherently toxic flaws/evils/hypocrisies of their antithetical alien intentions. Read More

“Cleopatra’s Needles” & Kings of the North

“Cleopatra’s Needles refer to an ancient pair of Tkhn  [obelisks] which were originally constructed and inscribed for 18th Dynasty Pharaoh Tuthmose III [1504-1450 BCE] at his Temple of the Sun in Heliopolis. These Twin Tkhn, which have their sacred place in a seminal & yet-unfolding Africa-centered narrative, were moved c1400 years later to the Caesareum temple in Alexandria Egypt built by Cleopatra VII during her reign [51-30 BCE]. The Tkhn were renamed for Cleopatra during the subsequent Roman takeover, & remained installed in Alexandria for almost 2 millennia. Described in Scottish painter David Roberts‘ travelogue ‘Egypt and Nubia as the most striking monuments of ancient Alexandria, “Cleopatra’s Needles” later became geographically separated between London & New York where they were shipped and re-erected in 1878 & 1881 respectively.

With “Cleopatra” as its ongoing sideshow, the world has since become entangled in a profane Europatriarchal web of Gregorian-curated timelines, principals, narratives & agendas… an interwoven industrial “world order” staged around the indoor-outdoor museums of “her[?] needles.” Humanity may ascend out of this shadowy 3D matrix system by recentering the Twin Tkhn of Pharaoh Tuthmose III at their original settings, thereby (i) gaining an Africa-centered lens into humanity’s organic/indigenous space-time & unity-conscious cultural agency; & (ii) exposing hegemonic histories & world-views fabricated & upheld around Cleopatra’s Needles standings in latter-day “East-West/E-W coordinates & meridians: Read More

Queens of the South & the Mandela Effect

SOUTH” is the entry point (Genesis) on The Medicine Wheel… the first of four cardinal directions and steps one takes to obtain wisdom and power in order to become the equivalent of a sangoma (shaman) who brings harmony and well-being to the community & humanity. Honoring the circular pattern of our cosmos, The Medicine Wheel has been used in indigenous cultures for eons to represent the organic cycles of life/nature within the womb of time – thus honoring Divine Feminine Mysteries and their potential. Following the four cardinal directions, the would-be sangoma proceeds clockwise on The Medicine Wheel to the “WEST” (land of sunsets & introspection); followed by the “NORTH” (where knowledge & wisdom have flowered in relation to “SOUTH”); & finally “EAST” – land of the rising sun where, through the successive challenges and phases of her journey, she has now obtained her own sovereign terms of enlightenment (Revelation). Read More

“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction…” While butterflies symbolize… Read More

Dawn ~ Unbreaking THE Egg


I often think of African space-time as a dancefloor because I resonate with the motherland’s oral traditions in a particular way when I’m exploring and navigating Her southern hemisphere frequencies within the global arena. I’m most grateful to those cultural custodians who’ve carried me on wings of song, connecting me and the human family at large to our soul level, unity-conscious energies of UbuNtu. It has been life-affirming to experience Ascension to timelines where I’ve been met by my guides through the Alkhemy of our ancestral call-response energies in the Drum Circle I innerstand as the BaNtu Waltz. Without losing a beat or step, we’ve even managed to transform heavier energies which pulled up with ill-begotten agendas to turn our ballroom into their bullring – a plaza de toros where two or more got to Tango… ‘nthen some! Read More

REENTRY ’23: Hwt~Hr

SKIPPER’S LOG ENTRY DATE: January 13, 2023 [Gregorian] <=> January 5, 2015 [Ancestral] STARPORTAL MISSION: Restoring humanity’s navigational settings to their organic space-time co-ordinates @ Earth’s Ma’atrix… Temple of the World… The Womb of Time… Hwt~Hr… in accordance with the following data:

  • Hwt-Hr ~ in the most ancient Africa-centered sense means House or Mansion of S/Heru… everywoman’s Divine Womb where human lives are seeded, gestated, & eventually born into the 3D Circle of Life through Hwt-Hr‘s Portal. This evolutionary outcome is the first in a series of S/Hero‘s Journey cycles through Mysteries & Portals that this newly created Life will yet encounter. For chosen primordial beings of light, these Journeys will be about merging, remembering, awakening, ascending, reactivating, & completing their soul’s mission in this particular 3D sojourn. So, if in review 2022 felt like Humanity collectively reached a point of critical mass on key levels of consciousness, it was likely Mother Earth’s preparation, through these primordials, for 2023… A Year of re-Entry.
  • Hathor [Hwt-Hr] is such a being whose name and Goddess characteristics were originally ascribed in Kmt (ancient Egypt) where there are 3 profoundly related aspects to Her worship:
  • (1) As Goddess of Music, Dance, & Beauty Hwt-Hr was referred to as: “Bearer of the SistrumQueen of the Dance… Mistress of Music… Queen of Harp Playing… Lady of the Choral Dance… Mistress of Inebriety Without End… The One Who Fills the Sanctuary with Joy… Lady of Fragrance… Lady of the House of Jubilation… Hathor’s priestesses and priests were musicians and dancers whose rituals of worship entranced & entertained as they filled the sanctuary with the sounds of song, drumming, & various other instruments such as lyres, pan-pipes & sistrums – rattles that were sacred to Hathor. The sistrum‘s rattle, which reportedly sounded like “the cackling of geese or the rustle of papyrus flowers,” helped create a sonic shield of protection against wrathful deities such as Set.
  • (2) As Goddess of Fertility, Children, Birth, & Women Hwt-Hr was referred to as the Goose that laid the Golden Egg… Milk of Life… Celestial Nurse…” As such, she was regarded as the fertility aspect of Auset – wife of King Ausar who was murdered & mutilated during his jealous brother Set’s evil coup of Heaven-on-Earth’s throne. The pieces of Ausar’s body were scattered in the “wilderness” [aka the colonized African Continent & its Diaspora], the 14th of which is symbolized in the ancient Tkhn and remains key to humanity’s unresolved Mystery that widow Auset must reconcile in Her Shero’s Journey & role as Divine Seeker. Auset’s posthumous conception of their son Heru/Hero (who grew up to avenge his father & reclaim Kmt’s throne in this archetypal narrative) was translated in biblical text as the immaculate conception of Christ.
  • (3) As Goddess of the S/Hero’s Journey, Foreign Lands, & the Circle of Life Hwt-Hr was referred to as Lady of the Sycamore of the South… Lady of the West (direction of the setting sun/‘death’)… Mistress of the Necropolis… Lady of the Tomb… She who is Adorned with Stars…” As “Lady of the Sycamore of the South,” Hathor used milk from Her Mother Tree to restore sight to Heru after one of his bruising battles against antagonist Set (usurper of Ausar’s Heaven-on-Earth throne). “His eyes are as the eyes of doves by the rivers of waters, washed with milk & fitly set.” [SoS 5:12 KJV]. A spell in the Book of the Dead names the Seven Hathors – AKA 7 Sisters or Pleiades star system – of the Taurus Celestial Herd/constellation. The 7 Hathors are said to question & assist the soul’s Circle of Life journey, which is accompanied in death by the sky-bull [Ausar/Taurus] who’s joined the Hathors in their cow form. Hathor “Lady of the West” appears on sarcophagi as Portal & Protector in the great beyond.
  • Hathor’s epithets & symbols are consistent with the deepest Mysteries of Africa’s oral-aesthetic traditions in which “music” (enhanced speech) is understood to act as nommo the generative power of the word… the seed. As such, orality represents the masculine co-creative agency of Heru the Elder (Hathor’s Divine Masculine counterpart), who depends on the Divine Feminine’s regenerative resources in His grand progression & evolution through Life’s circle.
  • Referred to as The Womb Of Time, Hathor’s temple at Dendera on the west bank of the sacred Nile River is where the Goddess is worshipped as the personification of feminine love, joy, & sensuality in Her conjoined roles as spouse, lover, divine womb, life portal, & nurturing mother. Facing the direction of the Nile-Star & Spiritual Sun Sopdet’s rising, Dendera Temple itself was a nourishing space for healing, learning, & birthing. It housed a sanatorium with magic bathing waters & a sacred well; labs where ceremonial perfumes were concocted; a papyrus library; a birthing place; & chapels devoted to the mythologies of Auset~Ausar~Heru
  • Rising from the earth/floor & holding aloft the heavens/ceiling, Dendera Temple’s pillars symbolize the shaft of the sistrum – Hathor’s sacred instrument. Atop each pillar is Hathor’s face, portrayed symbolically as the womb/uterus – the Divine Feminine’s co-creative organ – its fallopian tubes depicted as elongated ears through which she receives sound… word… seed… nommo. As co-manifestor, Heru – who helps frame & uphold the heavens per the Dendera Zodiac [right] – is master-musician to Hathor, each Divine co-creator highly attuned to the other’s freequency [UbuNtu] & subsequent resurrection modalities of their celebrated Re-Entry
  • Similar to the annual Feast of Opet that was staged between the southern and northern sanctuaries on the Nile’s east bank of God/dess consorts Amun-Re/Mut was the ‘Beautiful Feast of the Reunion’ (Hab Nefer en Sekhen) between God/dess consorts Heru/Hathor. The name Hwt-Hr (‘mansion of Heru’) became fully illumined through the fertility rituals surrounding their annual conjugal visit & Reunion Feast which entailed Hathor being sailed upstream on the Nile River from Dendera to Heru’s Temple at Edfu, also on the west bank, accompanied by a mix of musicians & other creatives who were priests of the goddess. Celebrations surrounding Hathor’s arrival included offerings of myrrh, aromatics, & sistrums (her sacred instrument) as well as hymns encouraging her to unite with “He of Dappled Plumage.” Harvest-related elements included offerings to the Divine Ancestors; the ritual harpooning of a red hippopotamus [representing enemies of the state – Set]; & the release of 4 geese (Hathor’s sacred bird) on the 2nd day of the feast to bear the news that Heru had received the Double Crown.
  • The Double Crown, called pschent or sekhemty (the ‘Two Powerful Ones’) was worn by ancient leaders of Kmt to symbolize the unification between South/Upper & North/Lower kingdoms which, in current pan-African space-time refers to earth’s southern & northern hemispheres. In Kmt the white Hedjet & red Deshret crowns were symbolic of South & North respectively, denoting a productive unification between Divine Feminine & Masculine – the ‘Two Powerful Ones’ – which the ankh also conveys as the Key of Life. As Divine God/dess Counterparts, each represents complementary co-creational forces that explain & necessitate each other and – from their higher vibration – inform & uphold the structure & harmonious workings of the universe. Indeed, following the close of the Edfu festivities, Hathor traveled back to Dendera, gave birth to Heru’s fully formed seed, their child who was portrayed as a naked sistrum player & celebrated as God Ihy or alternatively as Heru-Sema-Tawy.
  • Sema (“Speak/Say!” in Swahili) means ‘to unify’ & Tawy means ‘the Lands.’ Nommo/seed (masculine) planted in the lands (feminine) is understood as UbuNtu in Africa-centered unity-conscious oral-aesthetic modes of creation, expression, & social evolution. The unification of South & North Kmt that began in the Early Dynastic Period under Pharaoh Menes aka Narmer in 3100BCE used the distinct Sema-Tawy symbol of a human trachea/windpipe rising from the heart chakra entwined with the lotus (South) & papyrus (North). The Double Crown represented a leader’s consciousness of & promise to uphold the constitutionality of that arrangement during their rule. Narmer‘s was the first of 30 successive dynasties which ruled & maintained civil order through a centralized government from the unified capital of Men-nefer or Memphis.
  • Hwt-Hr/Hathor’s depiction as the Goose that laid the Golden Egg shows a lotus plant wrapped around Her neck. The lotus plant symbolizes the Nile’s southern source & humanity’s womb in the sentient heart of Africa whose gifts, transported on the sacred river’s northward flow, facilitated the flowering of ancient Egypt & Mysteries of Life, Death, & Resurrection that were documented on papyrus scrolls & taught in temples. As ‘Lady of the West’ it’s of no small significance that both Hathor & Heru’s temples are on the west bank of the sacred river where royal burial sites [pyramids, Valley of the Kings, Necropolis of Thebes…] are strategically located. The sun’s eastern rising & western setting was seen in relation to the sacred Nile River Ma’atrix as the world’s Womb of Time/Prime Meridian within whose grand design Humanity’s Axis Mundi, Mysteries, Navigational Settings, True Compass [N-S-E-W], Divine Order, & Constitutional Balance are encoded… ‘As Above, So Below.’
  • Of this grand design, God Djehuti asks: “Art thou not aware that Kmt is the image of heaven, or rather, that it is the projection below of the order of things above? If the truth must be told, this land is indeed The Temple Of The World…” These ancient lands where monomyths, god/dess archetypes, protagonists & antagonists alike assumed their original narrative form, remain embedded within our collective S/Hero’s psyche as we Journey through the south-north hemispheres of life’s expanded theater.
  • Djehuti went on to lament a time when this Temple of the World – the Nile Valley Ma’atrix – would be forced out of its sacred alignment with the Heavens, becoming “filled with strangers [&] widowed of the Gods…: To thee I cry, O most sacred River, to thee I announce the coming doom!… [Kmt]/Egypt, once the holy land beloved of the Gods and full of devotion for their worship, will become the instrument of perversion, the school of impiety…”
  • Set (antagonist… God of the desert, foreign oppression, storms, chaos, disorder, perversion, & violence), came at the Temple of the World as prophesied, with comprehensive & devastating European agendas of slavery, colonialism, apartheid… all racist & misogynistic enterprises that plundered & scattered Africa’s human, natural, cultural, & spiritual resources, and misaligned humanity’s organic space-time settings around a Europatriarchal axis & false matrix.
  • At the doorstep of a new Gregorian year where (amongst other places) the chickens are home roosting, we’ve become enlightened about certain “facts” that fail to add up – such as the Eurocentrically designated year of “2023.” Today, January 13th, 2023 is the Gregorian/Catholic version of January 5th, 2015 on the ancestral calendar of the Orthodox Tewahedo Church of Ethiopia – the one African country that European powers gathered at the racist 1884 Berlin Conference [aka Europe’s ‘Scramble for/of Africa’] failed to colonize as an add-on to slavery.
  • According to expert scholars, the critical difference between the two religious calendars has to do with their divergent calculations & narrative regarding ‘THE ANNUNCIATION’ – originally recorded in the throat area of Ipet-Resyt [click picture for video link @1:17:20] – God/dess Amun/Mut’s Southern Sanctuary” in humanity’s Temple of the World. Following their interpretation & appropriation of this ancient Mystery, the Roman Catholic annunciation became a visitation between ‘Angel Gabriel’‘Mary,’ & the official Gregorian calendar reset of global space-time around her ‘virgin birth’ to ‘Jesus’ – calculated to make “all roads lead to Rome.” Ironic then that Italy was unable to colonize Ethiopia, making her Africa’s oldest independent country.
  • Another major glitch of the matrix space-timeline is the 1884 International Meridian Conference recalibration of “point-zero longitude” to Greenwitch [GMT], over 30 degrees west of humanity’s organic Prime Meridian & equatorial source. The point at which zero degrees latitude & longitide should intersect is not over the Atlantic slave trade route, but over the body of water misnamed for the Grandmother of Europe who presided over her country’s continued craven ‘Scramble for Africa.’ Victoria – whose length of reign as Britain’s monarch [1837-1901] was surpassed only by great-great granddaughter Elizabeth II [1952-2022] – is ancestor to Charles III [coronation May 6, 2023, Gregorian] & William who inherits his colonial sense of entitlement to Africa as Britain’s future monarch. Meanwhile, KC3 & company will continue the fancy costume show with its bedazzling collection of “official” family wealth (pillaged & other) as he presides over GMT & a shrinking Commonwealth – vestiges of a gluttonous & deceptive Eurocentric space-time matrix.
  • Unattended wounds on Humanity’s womb bear the family names of Her colonial violators: ‘Victoria… Albert… Edward… George…’ Substituting these names with those of African dictators who subscribe to Set’s same playbook simply compounds the problem. Lake Mobutu Sese Seko is a non-starter as a post-colonial reclamation of Lake “Albert” – originally Lake Mwitanzigewhich, like Lake “Edward” (locally Rweru), lies on the nonsensical colonial divide between Uganda & Democratic Republic of the Congo. Lake “George” (originally Lake Katunguru) lies in a National Park that remains named for Elizabeth II [queen since 1952] over 60 years after Uganda’s independence from Britain in 1962, the last 36+ years presided over by the 9th & current post-colonial President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni [1986-].
  • Set’s Victorian teat has made sleeping giants of us all, dispensing propofol even as sentient Mother Earth expresses Her displeasure through global warming & other organic disorders. Nchi za Maziwa Mkuu Swahili meaning Countries of the Great Milkrecalls Djehuti’s Temple of the World reference to Nile Valley lands as earth’s reflection of Heaven’s Milky Way. Known in Tanzania as Nyanza & in Kenya as Nam Lowe (both local names meaning Body of Endless Water), Uganda’s original name for the southernmost sacred womb of the Nile River is Nnalubaale (meaning Home of the Gods). And in the Bunyoro kingdom directly north of Toro where Lake “Albert” is located, the hereditary Royal title, Omukama, literally means supreme milk-bringer or alternatively King of kings.’ This primordial wisdom is encoded in African folklore, geography, & astronomical bonds… cultural DNA that humanity can no longer afford to remain colonized at Her equatorial wellspring.
  • The Nile is earth’s longest river, traveling well over 4,000 miles northwards through 11 African countries – Nchi za Maziwa Mkuu: Kenya; Tanzania; Uganda; Rwanda; Burundi; DR Congo; Ethiopia; Eritrea; South Sudan; Sudan; & EgyptKhartoum, Sudan is where the White Nile meets the Blue Nile (sourced by Lake Tana in Ethiopia) to flow as one sacred river towards the Mediterranean Sea. Its southernmost womb is also source to the Congo River Basin whose waters flow into the Atlantic Ocean. Linked in BaNtu mystery, memory, & song as The Drinking Gourd – a coded astronomical reference which directed enslaved Africans towards freedom on America’s Underground Railroad – the cultural practice of water drumming came into being in this complex river basin. 
  • Most of humanity have been misled into a profound sense of isolation, alienation, & disorientation because of Set’s [prophesied] hijacking of Heaven-on-Earth relationships from the Temple of the World, Ma’atrix, and Womb of Time. The Dendera Zodiac, stolen from its original ceiling location in Goddess Hathor’s temple, confounded France‘s best scientists, astronomers & mathematicians regarding celestial events within the constellations depicted on the artifact, including the movement of SopdetHathor’s Nile Star. The church was troubled by the probability of the Dendera Zodiac being thousands of years older than the biblical “creation” date, a concern compounded by the original ‘ANNUNCIATION’ recorded in the throat area of Ipet-Resyt [now Luxor Temple]“the southern sanctuary” to Ipet-Isut [now Karnak Temple] – God/dess Amun/Mut‘s northern sanctuary whose name means “the most select of places.” 
  • Sheru’s CALL: “Make haste, my beloved…” [SoS 8:14] #NAKUMBUKA #UBUNTU
  • Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners?… [SoS 6:10] Return, return, O Shulamite; return, return, that we may look upon thee… [SoS 6:13]
  • “Only the black woman can say ‘when and where I enter, in the quiet, undisputed dignity of my womanhood, without violence and without suing or special patronage, then and there the whole …race enters with me.” [Dr. Anna Julia Cooper, 1892]
  • Heru’s RESPONSE: “Behold, I come quickly; hold that fast which Thou hast, that no one take Thy Crown” [Rev 3:11]
  • STATUS: Standing by for Re-Entry… #13O31… Blessed Be