Mother of Humanity

Mother’s Day 1996 saw the unveiling of artist Nijel Binns’ 16-foot-tall bronze Mother of Humanity® monument [*]. It was built as a symbol of hope following the civil unrest, conflagration and riots in reaction to the televised beating of Rodney King by Los Angeles law enforcement officers in 1992. Since May 11th 1996, the MOH monument has been on permanent exhibit at the Watts Labor Community Action Committee – a civic center located at 10950 Central Avenue in Watts, California.

[ LINK TOMother of Humanity® Monument Documentary trailer ]

Binns says that his artistry in general is driven and informed by a need to conscientiously maintain and preserve the legacy of traditions “begun long ago in ancient Egypt.” As with its ancient African forbearers, the Mother of Humanity® monument uplifts and informs humanity through the principles symbolically portrayed in her design:

Reverence and respect for Mother Africa as the cradle of civilization is promoted by the symbolic outline of the continent of Africa that is contained within the shape of the Mother of Humanity® monument.

Humanity’s ascension towards a higher consciousness through inner vision is symbolized by the dot on her forehead which represents the pea-sized pineal gland located in the center of the human brain. This gland is responsible for the production of melanin, the substance that gives skin its color. Often called the “first [or] third eye” the outer marking on the forehead was symbolic in ancient cultures of higher spiritual light from within.

The feather in her right hand promotes peace, speaks truth, and guides with balance and righteous reciprocity – a constitution of divine order represented in ancient Egypt by Goddess Ma’at who wore the feather as her symbolic crown. Among the rituals associated with this feather was the weighing of the heart in the halls of judgment. If one lived a righteous life, their heart in one scale would be as light as Ma’at’s feather in the other scale of balance and justice.

Her open left hand is symbolic of a mother’s compassion, understanding and welcome towards the human family and all well-meaning sentient beings.

The bared right breast symbolically acknowledges the sovereign and natural resources of all mothers; of Africa as humanity’s original mother, and continent where the sacred Nile River represents Maziwa Mkuu – the Milky Way on earth as in heaven. Mother Africa has nourished all nations on earth, often through the external exploitation of her sovereign resources – be they human, natural, spiritual, or cultural…

The Mother of Humanity® monument’s left foot stepping forward symbolizes her having the heart and the courage to take strong, righteous, and fearless action. In the ancient Kemetic tradition, statues were crafted with the left foot going forward in alignment with the heart which is located on the body’s left side. Thus the symbolism is to stamp out chaos and evil [“Set” in Kemetic mythology] by marching – left foot forward in concert with the heart – as a warrior of truth and righteousness [Ma’at] throughout the world.

[*NB: The Mother of Humanity® name, images, and related indicia are registered trademarks of Nijart International, LLC. All rights reserved. CLICK on the picture of Nijel Binns to learn more about him as an artist.] HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY, 2021 ❤ 

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