Embers of 5D

❄️Happy Solstice!❄️

It’s that moment when the Sun (Latin: “sol”) stands still (Latin: “sistere”) in The Eternal Dance with Mother Earth before reversing direction on Her Dancefloor. At this (December 22nd, 2023) point in the choreography of these literal Life Partners, the Sun has reached its annual southern limit over Earth‘s Tropic of Capricorn, marking a shift in Earth’s seasons which registers in the Northern Hemisphere as the shortest day and longest night of the year. This Winter Solstice event is a death-of-sorts, signaling the start of a 3-day transitional/mourning period which ends on Dec 25th when it then becomes for some a time to celebrate the “Resurrection or Birth of the Sun.” According to scholars, Christianity personified this solar activity by creating a Euro-patriarchal Savior-figure with a formal “Christmas” birth-date that corresponds to the climax of this natural annual event [see “Caesar’s Messiah…” link @43:00].

Then, on June 20th, 2024, when the Sun reaches its annual northern limit over the Tropic of Cancer, it will pause once again as the northern hemisphere enjoys its longest day and shortest night – Summer Solstice – before retracing its southward turn. For those at Mother Earth’s Equator where the contrasting lengths of day/night or seasonal distinctions surrounding Solstices are not dramatic as “Winter & Summer” are in polar-adjacent regions, the Sun is literally the Fiery Lamp beside Earth‘s Golden Door. Particularly at Humanity’s African cradle. Africa is the only continent traversed by all 3 lines of latitude which demarcate the Sun’s closest proximity to Earth as coordinates which guide the annual choreography of Her literal Life-sustaining Dance with Her essential Solar System Partner. The Tropics of Cancer & Capricorn, in addition to the Equator – all intersect Humanity’s organic Womb and Prime Meridian, which God Djehuti identified in Spiritual 5D terms:

As Above, So Below…” was Mother Earth‘s original & organic coordinates, according to Djehuti. “Art thou not aware that Khmt is the image of heaven, or rather, that it is the projection below of the order of things above? If the truth must be told, this land is indeed THE TEMPLE OF THE WORLD… Djehuti then prophetically lamented a time when this Nile Valley region would become “filled with strangers” and “widowed of the Gods,” and Her ordained Heaven-On-Earth settings degraded to those of a corrupt 3D matrix: “To thee I cry, O most Sacred River, to thee I announce the coming doom!… Khmt, once the holy land beloved of the Gods and full of devotion for their worship, will become the instrument of perversion, the school of impiety… As Within, So Without…”

The Sacred RiverDjehuti refers to is the northward-flowing Nile which gave rise to Khmt and its Mystery System from which extractions and revisions were conducted over time to become the leading/competing religions of today. This sacred African River and its headwaters are collectively referred to in Kiswahili as Maziwa Mkuu, meaning “Great Milk” in direct relation to the “Milky Way” – the Galaxy which contains the Sun whose electro-magnetic field is faithfully engaged with and orbited by Earth, Humanity’s Mothership. She is a Sentient Being, deserving of so much more than the foreign “control & subdue” mandates of latter-day god-consciousness which differs from that which informed the eternal Mysteries contained within the Sacred River and its surrounding architectural structures – collectively referred to by Djehuti as the World’s Temple. Little wonder that Humanity’s organic Prime Meridian & Mirror of Heaven’s Milky Way on Earth should be recorded in a local African language

Such Cultural records represent the still-glowing Ancestral embers that remain of Humanity’s higher 5D Unity-Consciousness, which is also the cosmological sense of UbuNtu – meaning I Am Because We Are. Africa did become “filled with strangers” & “widowed of the Gods” thru slavery, colonialism, & apartheid – Western Exceptionalism‘s 3D “schools of thought/impiety” referred to in Djehuti’s prophecy, which several present-day scholars argue began with Greco-Roman educational access to Khmt’s Mystery System [circa 6th century BCE forward]. It could be argued that “instruments of perversion” were deployed by later northern-hemisphere autocratic bodies such as The Berlin Conference [held Nov 15, 1884 – Feb 26, 1885 / comprised mainly of France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Portugal, & Britain under Q Victoria – akaGrandMother of Europe“] in their collective “Scramble for & of Africa.” The preceding International Meridian Conference held in Washington DC on Oct. 1884 had been where Greenwitch was voted in by northern autocrats as ‘Prime Meridian capital of their 3D matrix. GMT – Greenwitch Mean Time slices southward from the British monarch’s London-based family throne thru France, Spain, & 5 West African countries (Algeria, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana, & Togo) to yet another historic European crime scene – Atlantic holocaust site of slavery’s Middle Passage “Maafa.”

The list of 3D matrix perversions against Humanity’s Heavenly-sourced 5D Reflection is long. In that regard, perhaps we’re currently witnessing what Djehuti referred to as the old age of the world” – the Endgame of this climate change experiment (?)” which he advised would be characterized by “irreligion, disorder, lawlessness, & the confusion of good men.” It is in this context that the 3 Gregorian calendar months ending in –ember become an urgent heads-up for me to hold Cultural Space for reverse-engineering… (#1) September 23rd begins Libra season in the western zodiac, so I remember to pay homage to Goddess Ma’at – Djehuti’s Divine Feminine counterpart & Keeper of the True 5D Ma’atrix who represents Truth, Divine Order, Balance, Harmony, Reciprocity, Reparations, & Justice. She is the constitutional antithesis to Set – 3D God of Chaos, Storms, Wilderness, Disorder, Violence, & Foreign Oppressors. (#2) November 11th was designated in 1994 as NaKumbuka [Swahili for “I Remember”] Daya Pan-African observance that began at San Diego State U (CA). 11/11 also holds the dual vibration of Divine Counterparts. (#3) December 22nd is the official Winter Solstice date which in turn Re-members God/dess in The Eternal Dance between Solar Bodies as only the organic elements [Water], Earth, Wind, & Fire – can.

An EMBER is a glowing piece of coal or wood from a fire. Unlike the short-lived spark which may start a fire, embers are the hearty memory of the fire that lives on in the ebbs & flows that glow on down thru the Ages… thru Our shared Lifetimes… in the Ancestral Bonds, Memories, & Expressions of our Cultural Custodians… The stoked embers preserve, restore, & heal communal rememberance & repair of Heaven’s 5D Portal. The Golden Age has always been at hand. As Proverbial embers from Ipet-Resyt (“south sanctuary” of God/dess Amun/Mut) remind:

The Key to all problems is the problem of Consciousness… If you search for the Laws of Harmony, you will find Knowledge… The best & shortest road toward Knowledge of Truth  is Nature… If the Master teaches what is error, the Disciple’s submission is slavery. If he teaches Truth, this submission is Ennoblement… The Kingdom of Heaven Is Within You, & Whosoever Shall Know Thy Self Shall Find It…”

To still-glowing 5D embers Blessed Be 

3 Comments on “Embers of 5D

  1. Sis! Thank you for “good eatings” on this Joyous Solstice! For the life of me I couldn’t figure out why memories I thought were buried so deep wouldn’t rise again had returned. Now, I see I hadn’t found peace with those events. I have now.🥰 Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom❤️ Wishing you the merriest! ❤️🖤💚

  2. Pingback: “One Love…” ~BaNtu Waltz | Malaika Mutere

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