“NaKumbuka Day” ~ 11:11. Re-Membering the MA’ATrix

Nakumbuka‘ means ‘I remember’ in Kiswahili. Nov. 11th has been recognized as Nakumbuka Day” by the Pan-African Association of America since 1994 when the first ceremony was held at San Diego State University in California. It was set aside as a day of rememberance of the African victims of European enslavers, (neo)colonial occupiers, and agents of apartheid & genocide whose horrendous acts created a bloody trail of devastation and left families on the continent unable to lay their grief to rest after several hundred years. It’s been estimated that the Middle Passage claimed upwards of 60 million African lives, not counting the huge losses on plantations in Europe, the Caribbean, North-, Central-, & South-America. In seeking free labor to build its empires, European and American capitalism’s emergence crippled the African continent, traumatizing its descendants socially, culturally, economically, & politically during these interrelated timelines of oppression.Middle Passage MonumentHistorically, 11/11 marks the end of 20th-century hostilities during World War 1 between two main Western blocks: the Central Powers [Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey…] vs. the Allied Powers [Britain, France, Russia, Italy, the United States…]. Their truce, an Armistice with Germany, formally went into effect on 11/11/11: the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 [100+ years ago]. In 1954, Armistice Day was renamed Veterans Day in the US, Lest-We-Forget-Remembrance-Day-Facebook-Cover-Picturealthough 11/11 is observed in Commonwealth of Nations member states as Remembrance Day – aka Poppy Day – honoring veterans who died [8 million+] in this so-called War to End All Wars. WW2 followed in 1939 after “Germany, angry over war reparations imposed by rivals and eager for revenge, eventually turned to Adolf Hitler.”november-11

Symbolically, the number 11 holds the dual vibration of Twins [Gemini], whose relationship acts as a barometer on the scales of Truth, Justice, & Balance [MA’AT/Libra] within this New Age we are said to have entered/be entering of Aquarius – the 11th House of the Zodiac. Helena Blavatsky and her disciple, Alice Bailey are credited with founding the so-called New World Religion’ which, since its unofficial start on 11/11/11, has gained many New Age adherents. In The Externalisation of the Hierarchy [1957], Bailey prefaced her New Age spiritual advocacy with an extensive critique of the Europatriarchal World Wars: “Intense nationalism… [a] separative outlook… [and] selfish interests have controlled the reasons for which every nation has entered this war…”  [p. 373-] 

Spiritually, 11/11 allows a sacred moment for grief over the harsh realities of war… lives lost which are formally given global remembrance from western stages. We observe these post-war programs …our hearts made gentle (or not) through the ritual laying of wreaths, politically-crafted words of “regret,” and the wearing of upcycled fiber poppies – modeled in the lapel of the various suits worn by almost-75-year-old King Charles during his recent red-carpet visit to Kenya – a former British colony until sometime into his late mother Q. Elizabeth II‘s 70-year reign… starting 1952 at Kenya’s Treetops Hotel.

Coming as it did against the backdrop of the human carnage presently unfolding before a horrified global audience in one of Britain’s other socio-historical ‘projects,’ the post-eclipse timing for this particular visit [Oct 31-Nov 3, 2023] by the current British monarch was deeply/tragically ironic. For context on what may also have been weighing upon the monarch’s mind during whichever stage of colonial grief (?) he may personally have been struggling to overcome during this visit, past articles such as The Search for a Zionist Settlement in Kenya, 1902-1905 by Mwangi-wa-Githumo & Before Israel, Jews considered settling in western Kenya may shed some light on how his family’s leading role came close to complicating Kenya’s colonial occupation & trauma even further! In contrast perhaps, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier recently apologized to Tanzania as did Dutch King Willem-Alexander for Netherland’s role in slavery and coloialism in South Africa. Lest we forget, in regard to the European World Wars, Kenya went down in colonial HIStory as having fought & died on “the British side” with millions forced to serve as conscripts of the King’s African Rifles (KAR) or as porters of food & ammo for the troops. Dear Kenya, In this neo/post-colonial era of unrealized apologies let alone Reparations, wouldn’t it be pitifully naïve to replay this role, next time as ‘hired guns’ against our Haiti fam? Kumbuka…

The Mau-Mau [Kenya] & Maji-Maji [Tanganyika, now Tanzania] rebellions were against colonial destabilization resulting from the Scramble for Africa following The Berlin Conferenceheld 11/15/1884 – 2/26/1885 by mainly 7 European colonial invaders/pillagers: France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Italy, & Britain under “GrandMother of Europe” Q. Victoria [1837-1901] for whom the southernmost Source of Africa’s sacred Nile [“Maziwa Mkuu”] remains misnamed. This & similar cultural blights have been and should continue to be exorcised by Reparations from within… minus the prerequisite of an apology from 3x great grandson of VictoriaCharles, whose hand-me-down crown, bejeweled with its incriminating evidence, grows heavier with each missed opportunity [@circa75] to man-up. As a proverb from Ipet-Resyt reminds us: A house has the character of the man who lives in it.

Lest we also forget, there was a 2nd consequential conference in 1884 which, like the aforementioned one in Germany, also excluded African agency, thus fostering a profound alienation between humanity & it’s sacred Source/axis mundi. The International Meridian Conference held in Washington DC on Oct. 1884 was where Greenwitch, London was voted in by northern-hemisphere autocrats as capital of the world’s “official” N-S zero-degrees of longitude, thereby dethroning humanity’s organic Prime Meridian/MA’ATrix along Africa’s Nile Valley – Maziwa Mkuu/”Great Milk” aka Earth’s Milky Way & Temple of the World[per God Djehuti]. This latter-day Eurocentric “GMT Prime Meridian” slices southward from the British monarch’s family throne in London thru France, Spain, & 5 West African countries (Algeria, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana, & Togo) to yet another historic European crime scene – the Atlantic holocaust site of African lives lost in the Middle Passage “Maafa.” Kumbuka…

Unfortunately for humanity, the neo-colonial & false matrix is all-too-real… We’re programmed to get lost in the self-indulgent discourses-of-power and controlling narratives (via geographic chaos, mis-education, religion, political & media spin, etc.) of a ‘global’ human community reborn” thru Europe’s traumatic wars & unapologetic takeovers as Mother Earth Herself hangs in these imbalances. Hopes for equal recognition in combat, self-defense or otherwise are marginalized alongside cries from Africa’s descendants for Reparations. In 2023 however, the annual sequel of Europe’s 11/11 Poppy-Day program may just have been eclipsed by the arrested attention of the world’s hearts & streets weighing in on the real-time horrors being unleashed (since Oct. 7) in the (pre)occupied Holy Lands of Abrahamic faiths + Zionism

NaKumbuka Truth, Divine Order, Harmony, Balance, Justice, Reciprocity, UbuNtuall represent the Spiritual free-quency of MA’AT-consciousness, the personal and social antithesis to the constitution of chaos represented by SET[*] according to ancient teachings. As one of SET*s original casualties of genocidal war and the traumas that come from forced occupation, Africa’s cultural immune system has been in various stages of recovery from a state akin to sleep-paralysis, hence the importance of re-membering. As France et al are reminded, Africa’s awakening and reclaimation of Her sovereignty & narrative will only be detained for so long…

MA’AT, who links universal to terrestrial, the divine with the human is incomprehensible to the cerebral intelligence… Peace is the fruit of activity, not of sleep… The key to all problems is the problem of consciousness… If you search for the laws of harmony, you will find knowledge… The best and shortest road toward knowledge of truth is nature… If the Master teaches what is error, the disciple’s submission is slavery. If he teaches truth, this submission is ennoblement… The kingdom of Heaven is already within you; if you understand yourself you will find it… The body is the house of the God/dess. That is why it is said, ‘Wo/Man know thyself’… By knowing one reaches belief. By doing one gains conviction. When you know, dare… You will free yourself when you learn to be neutral and follow the instructions of your heart without letting things perturb you. This is the way of MA’AT…” luxor

This selection of proverbs are from God/dess Amun/ Mut‘s Temple, located on the Nile River’s east bank, in Uaset [Luxor]. Ancient African site of The Annunciation [LINK @ 1:17:20], this temple is known as Ipet-Resyt, meaning “The Southern Sanctuary” which is connected via an Avenue of Sphinxes, aka Path of God, to Ipet-Sut – “The Most Selected of Places” in present-day Karnak, both dedicated to the worship of Amun-Re & His Godhood with Divine Feminine, Mut. Per_Ankh symbolPer-ankh – “Houses of Life” were designated as spaces for education in such Khemetic temples because knowledge was considered sacred… a sanctified mystery of the balance between Divine Masculine & Feminine co-Creatives. Bound to Nature & the Cosmos for all time, these proverbial teachings are written in the stone [EWF] of Ipet-Resyt’s walls:- “People need images. Lacking them they invent idols. Better then to found the images on realities that lead the True Seeker to the Source.” aquariusResembling the human form in repose, Ipet-Resyt’s unique design itself appears symbolically dedicated to Resurrection & Reparation of the sovereignty of Truth, Life & 5D+ Unity-consciousness [UbuNtu]… an architectural ‘body’ on Mother Africa’s Earth, poised not as a mourning site, but rather as if to awaken & rise to Her Divine Twin & the Triumph of their Love.

In pop culture, this awakening is thematic to The Fifth Dimension’s 1969 ‘Age of Aquarius’ – prophetic anthem of a New Age which many believe dawned 42 years later, on Nov. 11th, 2011 [11/11/11]. ‘42‘ is a number that is sacred to MA’AT, Goddess who serves to protect the world from the chaos of SET*. Today this ‘chaos’ occurs within the policed-state of a cabal’s 3D matrix of slavery, (neo)colonial occupation, apartheid, etc… a state of trauma that’s maintained thru media, religion, education, politics, etc. – the complex of industrial outlets that program mass adherence to the ethos of elitist western ‘exceptionalism’*.

The Principles of Ma’at predate the ’10 Commandments’ as humanity’s oldest written sources of Moral & Spiritual instruction. Recorded in the Khemetic funerary Book of Coming Forth by Day AKA Book of the Dead, these were based on 42 declarations made by Ani in the Hall of Judgment of his having lived in accord with MA’AT’s principles, such as: “I have not done iniquity; I have not stolen; I have not made any to suffer pain; I have done no murder nor bid anyone to slay on my behalf; I have not spoken lies; I have not caused the shedding of tears; I have not dealt deceitfully; I have not lusted nor defiled the wife of any man; I have not caused terror; I have not done that which is abominable; I have not stopped my ears against the words of Right and Truth; I have not stirred up strife; I have not wronged the people; I have done no harm nor have I done evil; I have not worked treason; I have never fouled the waterhave not spoken scornfully; I have not behaved with arrogance…”  [Papyrus of Ani – c.1250BCE]. Kumbuka…

MA’AT‘s consort is DJEHUTI, the Magician archetype of the Divine Masculine with whom the Goddess creates the Balance & Harmony needed to prevent the universe from falling further into SET*s genocidal campaigns [slavery, (neo)colonial occupation, apartheid, etc.] against Humanity. Characterized in ancient mythology as god of foreign oppression, plague, chaos & disorder, SET* – the quintessential toxic masculine – murdered & usurped the throne of his brother King AUSAR out of jealousy over the popular reign AUSAR & his beloved wife AUSET enjoyed over Khmt. Widow AUSET was forced to search for her husband’s mutilated body parts which SET* had scattered throughout the wilderness [Diaspora]. AUSET found all but the 14th piece of AUSAR suggested in the phallic Tkhn/Obelisk as the unsolved outstanding segment of this particular Human Mystery. Symbolized by her hallmark feather, the Truth MA’AT has found in her embodiment as AUSET is key to Humanity’s Awakening & Ascension back to Heaven-on-Earth. On Her Healing Path, SaNgoma AUSET [aka ‘Divine Mourner & ‘True Seeker’] hears the cries of The Beautiful Ones:- the children… the downtrodden… Her Beloved [now God of the Afterlife] …She responds with prayerful Compassion, Wisdom, &      Re-membrance #11:11… #UbuNtu… #Nakumbuka… #MA’ATrix…        ❤ Blessed Be

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  1. Pingback: ‘Maafa~Nakumbuka’~Embers… | Malaika Mutere

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