A Master Drummer & His Healing Path

In Africa it is said that each person has a rhythm to which they alone dance. What I’ve learned about this cultural proposition is there is a journey involved in finding one’s rhythm that will likely take you to unexpected places… the highs, lows, and in-betweens of which depend upon how genuine one is about self-discovery. The question of me/”self” was not going to be answered through academic inquiry, no matter how off-the-beaten-path ethnomusicology may have seemed by the time I had to decide on a graduate program to enroll in. Though I remained clueless about how to respond to the musical call that had compelled me to make my south-west journey from Kenya to the US in the first place, I was grateful that my university gospel choir was a space where I could return to organic call-response flows and break from the academic humdrum of musicology discourse. Many years and countless lessons later I’ve come to appreciate that while this path provided a necessary critical lens on the western knowledge industry, I was being guided step-by-step by a higher universe back to my culturally and spiritually authentic/integrated self… Read More

“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction…” While butterflies symbolize… Read More

Dawn ~ Unbreaking THE Egg


I often think of African space-time as a dancefloor because I resonate with the motherland’s oral traditions in a particular way when I’m exploring and navigating Her southern hemisphere frequencies within the global arena. I’m most grateful to those cultural custodians who’ve carried me on wings of song, connecting me and the human family at large to our soul level, unity-conscious energies of UbuNtu. It has been life-affirming to experience Ascension to timelines where I’ve been met by my guides through the Alkhemy of our ancestral call-response energies in the Drum Circle I innerstand as the BaNtu Waltz. Without losing a beat or step, we’ve even managed to transform heavier energies which pulled up with ill-begotten agendas to turn our ballroom into their bullring – a plaza de toros where two or more got to Tango… ‘nthen some! Read More

REENTRY ’23: Hwt~Hr

SKIPPER’S LOG ENTRY DATE: January 13, 2023 [Gregorian] <=> January 5, 2015 [Ancestral] STARPORTAL MISSION: Restoring humanity’s navigational settings to their organic space-time co-ordinates @ Earth’s Ma’atrix… Temple of the World… The Womb of Time… Hwt~Hr… in accordance with the following data:

  • Hwt-Hr ~ in the most ancient Africa-centered sense means House or Mansion of S/Heru… everywoman’s Divine Womb where human lives are seeded, gestated, & eventually born into the 3D Circle of Life through Hwt-Hr‘s Portal. This evolutionary outcome is the first in a series of S/Hero‘s Journey cycles through Mysteries & Portals that this newly created Life will yet encounter. For chosen primordial beings of light, these Journeys will be about merging, remembering, awakening, ascending, reactivating, & completing their soul’s mission in this particular 3D sojourn. So, if in review 2022 felt like Humanity collectively reached a point of critical mass on key levels of consciousness, it was likely Mother Earth’s preparation, through these primordials, for 2023… A Year of re-Entry.
  • Hathor [Hwt-Hr] is such a being whose name and Goddess characteristics were originally ascribed in Kmt (ancient Egypt) where there are 3 profoundly related aspects to Her worship:
  • (1) As Goddess of Music, Dance, & Beauty Hwt-Hr was referred to as: “Bearer of the SistrumQueen of the Dance… Mistress of Music… Queen of Harp Playing… Lady of the Choral Dance… Mistress of Inebriety Without End… The One Who Fills the Sanctuary with Joy… Lady of Fragrance… Lady of the House of Jubilation… Hathor’s priestesses and priests were musicians and dancers whose rituals of worship entranced & entertained as they filled the sanctuary with the sounds of song, drumming, & various other instruments such as lyres, pan-pipes & sistrums – rattles that were sacred to Hathor. The sistrum‘s rattle, which reportedly sounded like “the cackling of geese or the rustle of papyrus flowers,” helped create a sonic shield of protection against wrathful deities such as Set.
  • (2) As Goddess of Fertility, Children, Birth, & Women Hwt-Hr was referred to as the Goose that laid the Golden Egg… Milk of Life… Celestial Nurse…” As such, she was regarded as the fertility aspect of Auset – wife of King Ausar who was murdered & mutilated during his jealous brother Set’s evil coup of Heaven-on-Earth’s throne. The pieces of Ausar’s body were scattered in the “wilderness” [aka the colonized African Continent & its Diaspora], the 14th of which is symbolized in the ancient Tkhn and remains key to humanity’s unresolved Mystery that widow Auset must reconcile in Her Shero’s Journey & role as Divine Seeker. Auset’s posthumous conception of their son Heru/Hero (who grew up to avenge his father & reclaim Kmt’s throne in this archetypal narrative) was translated in biblical text as the immaculate conception of Christ.
  • (3) As Goddess of the S/Hero’s Journey, Foreign Lands, & the Circle of Life Hwt-Hr was referred to as Lady of the Sycamore of the South… Lady of the West (direction of the setting sun/‘death’)… Mistress of the Necropolis… Lady of the Tomb… She who is Adorned with Stars…” As “Lady of the Sycamore of the South,” Hathor used milk from Her Mother Tree to restore sight to Heru after one of his bruising battles against antagonist Set (usurper of Ausar’s Heaven-on-Earth throne). “His eyes are as the eyes of doves by the rivers of waters, washed with milk & fitly set.” [SoS 5:12 KJV]. A spell in the Book of the Dead names the Seven Hathors – AKA 7 Sisters or Pleiades star system – of the Taurus Celestial Herd/constellation. The 7 Hathors are said to question & assist the soul’s Circle of Life journey, which is accompanied in death by the sky-bull [Ausar/Taurus] who’s joined the Hathors in their cow form. Hathor “Lady of the West” appears on sarcophagi as Portal & Protector in the great beyond.
  • Hathor’s epithets & symbols are consistent with the deepest Mysteries of Africa’s oral-aesthetic traditions in which “music” (enhanced speech) is understood to act as nommo the generative power of the word… the seed. As such, orality represents the masculine co-creative agency of Heru the Elder (Hathor’s Divine Masculine counterpart), who depends on the Divine Feminine’s regenerative resources in His grand progression & evolution through Life’s circle.
  • Referred to as The Womb Of Time, Hathor’s temple at Dendera on the west bank of the sacred Nile River is where the Goddess is worshipped as the personification of feminine love, joy, & sensuality in Her conjoined roles as spouse, lover, divine womb, life portal, & nurturing mother. Facing the direction of the Nile-Star & Spiritual Sun Sopdet’s rising, Dendera Temple itself was a nourishing space for healing, learning, & birthing. It housed a sanatorium with magic bathing waters & a sacred well; labs where ceremonial perfumes were concocted; a papyrus library; a birthing place; & chapels devoted to the mythologies of Auset~Ausar~Heru
  • Rising from the earth/floor & holding aloft the heavens/ceiling, Dendera Temple’s pillars symbolize the shaft of the sistrum – Hathor’s sacred instrument. Atop each pillar is Hathor’s face, portrayed symbolically as the womb/uterus – the Divine Feminine’s co-creative organ – its fallopian tubes depicted as elongated ears through which she receives sound… word… seed… nommo. As co-manifestor, Heru – who helps frame & uphold the heavens per the Dendera Zodiac [right] – is master-musician to Hathor, each Divine co-creator highly attuned to the other’s freequency [UbuNtu] & subsequent resurrection modalities of their celebrated Re-Entry
  • Similar to the annual Feast of Opet that was staged between the southern and northern sanctuaries on the Nile’s east bank of God/dess consorts Amun-Re/Mut was the ‘Beautiful Feast of the Reunion’ (Hab Nefer en Sekhen) between God/dess consorts Heru/Hathor. The name Hwt-Hr (‘mansion of Heru’) became fully illumined through the fertility rituals surrounding their annual conjugal visit & Reunion Feast which entailed Hathor being sailed upstream on the Nile River from Dendera to Heru’s Temple at Edfu, also on the west bank, accompanied by a mix of musicians & other creatives who were priests of the goddess. Celebrations surrounding Hathor’s arrival included offerings of myrrh, aromatics, & sistrums (her sacred instrument) as well as hymns encouraging her to unite with “He of Dappled Plumage.” Harvest-related elements included offerings to the Divine Ancestors; the ritual harpooning of a red hippopotamus [representing enemies of the state – Set]; & the release of 4 geese (Hathor’s sacred bird) on the 2nd day of the feast to bear the news that Heru had received the Double Crown.
  • The Double Crown, called pschent or sekhemty (the ‘Two Powerful Ones’) was worn by ancient leaders of Kmt to symbolize the unification between South/Upper & North/Lower kingdoms which, in current pan-African space-time refers to earth’s southern & northern hemispheres. In Kmt the white Hedjet & red Deshret crowns were symbolic of South & North respectively, denoting a productive unification between Divine Feminine & Masculine – the ‘Two Powerful Ones’ – which the ankh also conveys as the Key of Life. As Divine God/dess Counterparts, each represents complementary co-creational forces that explain & necessitate each other and – from their higher vibration – inform & uphold the structure & harmonious workings of the universe. Indeed, following the close of the Edfu festivities, Hathor traveled back to Dendera, gave birth to Heru’s fully formed seed, their child who was portrayed as a naked sistrum player & celebrated as God Ihy or alternatively as Heru-Sema-Tawy.
  • Sema (“Speak/Say!” in Swahili) means ‘to unify’ & Tawy means ‘the Lands.’ Nommo/seed (masculine) planted in the lands (feminine) is understood as UbuNtu in Africa-centered unity-conscious oral-aesthetic modes of creation, expression, & social evolution. The unification of South & North Kmt that began in the Early Dynastic Period under Pharaoh Menes aka Narmer in 3100BCE used the distinct Sema-Tawy symbol of a human trachea/windpipe rising from the heart chakra entwined with the lotus (South) & papyrus (North). The Double Crown represented a leader’s consciousness of & promise to uphold the constitutionality of that arrangement during their rule. Narmer‘s was the first of 30 successive dynasties which ruled & maintained civil order through a centralized government from the unified capital of Men-nefer or Memphis.
  • Hwt-Hr/Hathor’s depiction as the Goose that laid the Golden Egg shows a lotus plant wrapped around Her neck. The lotus plant symbolizes the Nile’s southern source & humanity’s womb in the sentient heart of Africa whose gifts, transported on the sacred river’s northward flow, facilitated the flowering of ancient Egypt & Mysteries of Life, Death, & Resurrection that were documented on papyrus scrolls & taught in temples. As ‘Lady of the West’ it’s of no small significance that both Hathor & Heru’s temples are on the west bank of the sacred river where royal burial sites [pyramids, Valley of the Kings, Necropolis of Thebes…] are strategically located. The sun’s eastern rising & western setting was seen in relation to the sacred Nile River Ma’atrix as the world’s Womb of Time/Prime Meridian within whose grand design Humanity’s Axis Mundi, Mysteries, Navigational Settings, True Compass [N-S-E-W], Divine Order, & Constitutional Balance are encoded… ‘As Above, So Below.’
  • Of this grand design, God Djehuti asks: “Art thou not aware that Kmt is the image of heaven, or rather, that it is the projection below of the order of things above? If the truth must be told, this land is indeed The Temple Of The World…” These ancient lands where monomyths, god/dess archetypes, protagonists & antagonists alike assumed their original narrative form, remain embedded within our collective S/Hero’s psyche as we Journey through the south-north hemispheres of life’s expanded theater.
  • Djehuti went on to lament a time when this Temple of the World – the Nile Valley Ma’atrix – would be forced out of its sacred alignment with the Heavens, becoming “filled with strangers [&] widowed of the Gods…: To thee I cry, O most sacred River, to thee I announce the coming doom!… [Kmt]/Egypt, once the holy land beloved of the Gods and full of devotion for their worship, will become the instrument of perversion, the school of impiety…”
  • Set (antagonist… God of the desert, foreign oppression, storms, chaos, disorder, perversion, & violence), came at the Temple of the World as prophesied, with comprehensive & devastating European agendas of slavery, colonialism, apartheid… all racist & misogynistic enterprises that plundered & scattered Africa’s human, natural, cultural, & spiritual resources, and misaligned humanity’s organic space-time settings around a Europatriarchal axis & false matrix.
  • At the doorstep of a new Gregorian year where (amongst other places) the chickens are home roosting, we’ve become enlightened about certain “facts” that fail to add up – such as the Eurocentrically designated year of “2023.” Today, January 13th, 2023 is the Gregorian/Catholic version of January 5th, 2015 on the ancestral calendar of the Orthodox Tewahedo Church of Ethiopia – the one African country that European powers gathered at the racist 1884 Berlin Conference [aka Europe’s ‘Scramble for/of Africa’] failed to colonize as an add-on to slavery.
  • According to expert scholars, the critical difference between the two religious calendars has to do with their divergent calculations & narrative regarding ‘THE ANNUNCIATION’ – originally recorded in the throat area of Ipet-Resyt [click picture for video link @1:17:20] – God/dess Amun/Mut’s Southern Sanctuary” in humanity’s Temple of the World. Following their interpretation & appropriation of this ancient Mystery, the Roman Catholic annunciation became a visitation between ‘Angel Gabriel’‘Mary,’ & the official Gregorian calendar reset of global space-time around her ‘virgin birth’ to ‘Jesus’ – calculated to make “all roads lead to Rome.” Ironic then that Italy was unable to colonize Ethiopia, making her Africa’s oldest independent country.
  • Another major glitch of the matrix space-timeline is the 1884 International Meridian Conference recalibration of “point-zero longitude” to Greenwitch [GMT], over 30 degrees west of humanity’s organic Prime Meridian & equatorial source. The point at which zero degrees latitude & longitide should intersect is not over the Atlantic slave trade route, but over the body of water misnamed for the Grandmother of Europe who presided over her country’s continued craven ‘Scramble for Africa.’ Victoria – whose length of reign as Britain’s monarch [1837-1901] was surpassed only by great-great granddaughter Elizabeth II [1952-2022] – is ancestor to Charles III [coronation May 6, 2023, Gregorian] & William who inherits his colonial sense of entitlement to Africa as Britain’s future monarch. Meanwhile, KC3 & company will continue the fancy costume show with its bedazzling collection of “official” family wealth (pillaged & other) as he presides over GMT & a shrinking Commonwealth – vestiges of a gluttonous & deceptive Eurocentric space-time matrix.
  • Unattended wounds on Humanity’s womb bear the family names of Her colonial violators: ‘Victoria… Albert… Edward… George…’ Substituting these names with those of African dictators who subscribe to Set’s same playbook simply compounds the problem. Lake Mobutu Sese Seko is a non-starter as a post-colonial reclamation of Lake “Albert” – originally Lake Mwitanzigewhich, like Lake “Edward” (locally Rweru), lies on the nonsensical colonial divide between Uganda & Democratic Republic of the Congo. Lake “George” (originally Lake Katunguru) lies in a National Park that remains named for Elizabeth II [queen since 1952] over 60 years after Uganda’s independence from Britain in 1962, the last 36+ years presided over by the 9th & current post-colonial President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni [1986-].
  • Set’s Victorian teat has made sleeping giants of us all, dispensing propofol even as sentient Mother Earth expresses Her displeasure through global warming & other organic disorders. Nchi za Maziwa Mkuu Swahili meaning Countries of the Great Milkrecalls Djehuti’s Temple of the World reference to Nile Valley lands as earth’s reflection of Heaven’s Milky Way. Known in Tanzania as Nyanza & in Kenya as Nam Lowe (both local names meaning Body of Endless Water), Uganda’s original name for the southernmost sacred womb of the Nile River is Nnalubaale (meaning Home of the Gods). And in the Bunyoro kingdom directly north of Toro where Lake “Albert” is located, the hereditary Royal title, Omukama, literally means supreme milk-bringer or alternatively King of kings.’ This primordial wisdom is encoded in African folklore, geography, & astronomical bonds… cultural DNA that humanity can no longer afford to remain colonized at Her equatorial wellspring.
  • The Nile is earth’s longest river, traveling well over 4,000 miles northwards through 11 African countries – Nchi za Maziwa Mkuu: Kenya; Tanzania; Uganda; Rwanda; Burundi; DR Congo; Ethiopia; Eritrea; South Sudan; Sudan; & EgyptKhartoum, Sudan is where the White Nile meets the Blue Nile (sourced by Lake Tana in Ethiopia) to flow as one sacred river towards the Mediterranean Sea. Its southernmost womb is also source to the Congo River Basin whose waters flow into the Atlantic Ocean. Linked in BaNtu mystery, memory, & song as The Drinking Gourd – a coded astronomical reference which directed enslaved Africans towards freedom on America’s Underground Railroad – the cultural practice of water drumming came into being in this complex river basin. 
  • Most of humanity have been misled into a profound sense of isolation, alienation, & disorientation because of Set’s [prophesied] hijacking of Heaven-on-Earth relationships from the Temple of the World, Ma’atrix, and Womb of Time. The Dendera Zodiac, stolen from its original ceiling location in Goddess Hathor’s temple, confounded France‘s best scientists, astronomers & mathematicians regarding celestial events within the constellations depicted on the artifact, including the movement of SopdetHathor’s Nile Star. The church was troubled by the probability of the Dendera Zodiac being thousands of years older than the biblical “creation” date, a concern compounded by the original ‘ANNUNCIATION’ recorded in the throat area of Ipet-Resyt [now Luxor Temple]“the southern sanctuary” to Ipet-Isut [now Karnak Temple] – God/dess Amun/Mut‘s northern sanctuary whose name means “the most select of places.” 
  • Sheru’s CALL: “Make haste, my beloved…” [SoS 8:14] #NAKUMBUKA #UBUNTU
  • Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners?… [SoS 6:10] Return, return, O Shulamite; return, return, that we may look upon thee… [SoS 6:13]
  • “Only the black woman can say ‘when and where I enter, in the quiet, undisputed dignity of my womanhood, without violence and without suing or special patronage, then and there the whole …race enters with me.” [Dr. Anna Julia Cooper, 1892]
  • Heru’s RESPONSE: “Behold, I come quickly; hold that fast which Thou hast, that no one take Thy Crown” [Rev 3:11]
  • STATUS: Standing by for Re-Entry… #13O31… Blessed Be  

Blessed Be…


“A Blessing on a Home” [from Blessed Be]

Our Father’s House

“Our Father which art in Heaven…” So begins the Lord’s Prayer [Matthew 6:9-13 KJV], depicted here in hieroglyphs from the middle-Egyptian era [-2100 BCE]. “…Amen” – the ending of the prayer which means “so be it” – further invokes the ancient deity Amun who was worshipped in two major temples located in Uaset on the east bank of Africa’s northward-flowing Nile River. God Amun, Goddess Mut, and Montu (son of the Annunciation) have the historical distinction of being the highly popular Triad of Thebes [‘Thebes’ being the Greek term for Uaset]. Ipet Isut – meaning “the most selected of places” – nowadays referred to as the Karnak Temple, is the Triad’s Northern sanctuary. Ipet Resyt – meaning “the Southern sanctuary” – nowadays referred to as the Luxor Temple, is the site of the Annunciation from Amun to Mut regarding Montu, the Divine Son She is destined to bear [click picture on the left for link @ 1:17:20].

“A house has the character of the man who lives in it” ~ This proverb from Ipet Resyt provides insight into religions which were later derived from such ancient Mysteries to the extent that latter-day belief systems did indeed assume the egoic character, cultural biases, and imperialistic agendas of Africa’s foreign patriarchal conquerors. As such, this prophetic proverb understates what would inevitably become Africa’s subsequent experiencing of the “religiously-justified” Euro-patriarchal ravaging of Her spiritual, natural, human, and cultural resources through slavery [1619-], colonialism [1884-] and apartheid [1948-]; desecrating the Nile Valley Temple of the World (per God Djehuti) and beyond, while deploying derivative religious texts to usurp God Amun‘s spiritual standing as Founding Father. His standing lives on in the emancipatory leadership of Africa’s latter-day fathers who have refused to be contained within the characteristically deceptive dictates of a predatory, yet parasitic, alien house. The false matrix. Below are words representing the resistance, wisdom & sovereign character of some of these African patriarchs:

  • “When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said ‘Let us pray.’ We closed our eyes. When we opened them, we had the Bible and they had the land.” [Jomo Kenyatta – Kenya]
  • “The term Greek philosophy is a misnomer, for there is no such philosophy in existence. Ancient Egyptians had developed a very complex religious system, called the Mysteries, which was also the first system of salvation. As such, it regarded the human body as a prison house of the soul, which could be liberated from its bodily impediments through the disciplines of the Arts and Sciences, and advanced from the level of a mortal to that of a God.” [George G.M. James – Guyana]
  • “I took up arms for the freedom of my color. It is our own – we will defend it or perish” … “They have in me struck down but the trunk of the tree; the roots are many and deep – they will shoot up again!” … “For too long we have borne your chains without thinking of shaking them off, but any authority which is not founded on virtue and humanity, and which only tends to subject one’s fellow man to slavery, must come to an end, and that end is yours.” [Toussaint Louverture – Haiti]
  • “I am not African because I was born in Africa but because Africa was born in me” … “If by their fruits we shall know them, they must first grow the fruits” … “The independence of Ghana is meaningless unless it is linked-up with the total liberation of the African Continent.” [Kwame Nkrumah – Ghana]
  • “The cruelties of property and privilege are always more ferocious than the revenges of poverty and oppression.” [C.L.R. James – Trinidad]
  • “Each generation must discover its mission, fulfill it or betray it” … “I am black; I am in total fusion with the world, in sympathetic affinity with the earth, losing my id in the heart of the cosmos – and the white man, however intelligent he may be, is incapable of understanding Louis Armstrong or songs from the Congo. I am black, not because of a curse, but because my skin has been able to capture all the cosmic effluvia. I am truly a drop of sun under the earth” … “In the World through which I travel, I am endlessly creating myself”… “Two centuries ago, a former European colony decided to catch up with Europe. It succeeded so well that USA became a monster in which the taints, the sickness and the inhumanity of Europe have grown to appalling dimensions.” [Frantz Fanon – Martinique]
  • ”Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most – that has made it possible for evil to triumph.” [Haile Selassie – Ethiopia]
  • “In ancient times “African” and “Ethiopian” meant the same thing: A Black” … “no matter what the factual data were, all the books written about Blacks by their conquerors reflected the conquerors viewpoints” … “It appears that from time immemorial, stark greed, the desire for wealth, has overridden all humane considerations. Greed has served as a kind of anesthesia, deadening humane sentiments and breaking the bonds of affection that relates man to man.” [Chancellor Williams – USA]
  • “Whoever is in control of the hell in your life is your devil” … “Racists will always call you a racist when you identify their racism. To love yourself, now is a form of racism. We are the only people who are criticized for loving ourselves; and white people think when you love yourself you hate them. No, when I love myself they become irrelevant to me” … “Every single thing that touches your life, religious, socially and politically, must be an instrument of your liberation or you must throw it into the trashcan of history” … “After the rise and decline of Greek civilization and the Roman destruction of Carthage, they made one area of the conquered territories into a province which they called Africa… At first the word applied only to the Roman colonies of North Africa. There was a time when all dark-skinned people were called “Ethiopians.” [John Henrik Clarke – USA]
  • “Live life as though nobody is watching, and express yourself as though everyone is listening” … “One of the most difficult things is not to change society, but to change yourself” … “As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others” … “Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies” … “I never lose. I either win or learn” … “Fools multiply when wise men are silent” … “May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears” … “Action without vision is only passing time, vision without action is merely day dreaming, but vision with action can change the world” … “Poverty is not an accident. Like slavery and apartheid, it is man-made and can be removed by the actions of human beings.” [Nelson Mandela – South Africa]
  • “African unity and solidarity are no longer dreams. They must be expressed in decisions.” [Patrice Lumumba – Congo]
  • “Decisions made in Washington are more important to us than those made here in Dar-es-Salaam. So, maybe my people should be allowed to vote in American presidential elections” … “In Tanganyika we believe that only evil, Godless men would make the color of a man’s skin the criteria for granting him civil rights” … “In Tanzania, it was more than one hundred tribal units which lost their freedom; it was one nation that regained it” … “African nationalism is meaningless, dangerous, anachronistic, if it is not, at the same time, pan-Africanism.” [Julius Nyerere – Tanzania]
  • “While revolutionaries as individuals can be murdered, you cannot kill ideas” … “Imperialism is a system of exploitation that occurs not only in the brutal form of those who come with guns to conquer territory. Imperialism often occurs in more subtle forms: a loan, food aid, blackmail. We are fighting this system that allows a handful of men on Earth to rule all of humanity” … “The revolution and women’s liberation go together. We do not talk of women’s emancipation as an act of charity or out of a surge of human compassion. It is a basic necessity for the revolution to triumph. Women hold up the other half of the sky” … “Debt is a cleverly managed reconquest of Africa” … “It took the madmen of yesterday for us to be able to act with extreme clarity today. I want to be one of those madmen. We must dare to invent the future.” [Thomas Sankara – Burkina Faso]
  • “If the choice were made, one for us to lose our sovereignty and become a member of the Commonwealth or remain with our sovereignty and lose the membership of the Commonwealth, I would say let the Commonwealth go.” [Robert Mugabe – Zimbabwe]
  • “My father didn’t know his real name. My father got his name from his grandfather and he got his name from his grandfather and he got it from the slave master” … “You can’t hate the roots of a tree and not hate the tree. You can’t hate Africa and not hate yourself” … “The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses” … “There is no better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time” … “I just don’t believe that when people are being unjustly oppressed that they should let someone else set rules for them by which they can come out from under that oppression” … “I believe in the brotherhood of all men, but I don’t believe in wasting brotherhood on anyone who doesn’t want to practice it with me. Brotherhood is a two-way street.” [Malcolm X – USA]
  • “The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line… One ever feels his two-ness – an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings; two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder.” [W.E.B. DuBois – USA]
  • “[The] association of wealth with whites and poverty with blacks is not accidental. It is the nature of the imperialist relationship that enriches the metropolis at the expense of the colony i.e. it makes the whites richer and the blacks poorer” … “In reconstructing African civilizations, the concern is to indicate that African social life had meaning and value, and that the African past is one with which the black man in the Americas can identify with pride” … “The black intellectual, the black academic, must attach himself to the activity of the black masses” … “Beauty is in the very existence of black people.” [Walter Rodney – Guyana]
  • “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men” … “What to the Slave is the 4th of July?” … “You have seen how a man was made a slave; you shall see how a slave was made a man” … “The soul that is within me no man can degrade” … “[on equal rights of women…] It was hers before she comprehended it. It is inscribed upon all the powers and facilities of her soul, and no custom, law or usage can ever destroy it.” [Frederick Douglass – USA]
  • “Power which establishes a state is violence; the power which maintains it is violence; the power which eventually overthrows it is violence” … “Westerners have aggressive problem-solving minds; Africans experience people.” [Kenneth Kaunda – Zambia]
  • “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge & controversy” … “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that” … “A riot is the language of the unheard” … “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” … “Be a bush if you can’t be a tree. If you can’t be a highway, just be a trail. If you can’t be a sun, be a star. For it isn’t by size that you win or fail. Be the best of whatever you are” … “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” [Martin Luther King Jr. – USA]
  • “A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots” … “I have no desire to take all black people back to Africa; there are blacks who are no good here and will likewise be no good there” … “Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds” … “If we as a people realized the greatness from which we came we would be less likely to disrespect ourselves” … “The Black skin is not a badge of shame, but rather a glorious symbol of greatness.” [Marcus Garvey – Jamaica]
  • “A Luta Continua!” [Eduardo Chivambo Mondlane – Mozambique]

African Liberation Day ~ 5/25

On May 25th (“5/25”) 2020, two recorded events made headlines in Africa’s northern Diaspora. Both were horrific in the degree to which they were racially-charged and played out from the standpoint of white privilege and callousness against black lives. One was a blatant attempt to provoke a potentially dangerous police-confrontation against an innocent bird-watcher (Christian Cooper) in New York’s Central Park; and the other which demonstrated that very potential when George Floyd lived his final 8m:46s under the knee of a Minneapolis police officer. Unfortunately, such horrific occurrences as these are not uncommon, and the long list of African victims goes back to the era of slavery whose evils live on and play out in toxic ways from that unexorcised and overly-policed space which nonetheless claims to be the land and home of the free and brave. Officially commemorated as Memorial Day, May 25th (in 2020) – the date of these occurrences and America’s unofficial start of summer – is, perhaps ironically, also observed as African Liberation Day Read More

~ Rumi


July 4th, 1776 – a day when America declared its Independence from British colonial rule under King George III – is celebrated annually as America’s official birthday. Astrologers have been mulling over this date in much the same way as they would over an individual client’s birth chart, in anticipation of the planetary return of Pluto in 2022. Often described as God of Death and Rebirth, Pluto is regarded in western astrology as Lord of the Underworld. Located at the edge of our solar system, Pluto will return for the first time – on February 22nd, 2022 – to the exact same position it was in during America’s “birth” in 1776, following completion of the planet’s full 246-year cycle. To astrologers, this Pluto Return has profound implications in terms of its attitude and behavior towards America’s realizing of promises. It’s an anticipated Judgment Day of sorts. Read More